Gesellschaft für Material­prüfung und Geophysik
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GMuG offers sen­sors in parti­cular for appli­ca­tions in the field of mi­cro­seis­mi­ci­ty and acous­tic emis­sion (AE). A broad range of made-​to-​mea­sure sen­sors al­low the in­stal­la­tion in a broad va­rie­ty of set­tings e. g. under­ground, in bore­holes or in the la­bo­ra­to­ry (fre­quency range from Hz to MHz).

Measuring Systems

The mea­sur­ing systems are opti­mized for ambi­tious and complex mea­sure­ments. The multi-​chan­nel de­vices are de­signed for steady state per­for­mance and long-​term opera­tion. The mea­sure­ment and con­trol plants al­low e. g. for high sam­pling rates (up to 20 MHz), pro­ces­sing in real-​time, net­work inte­gra­tion, and online access.


GMuG develops and main­tains specia­lized soft­ware, in par­ti­cu­lar in the field of auto­matic wave onset detec­tion (e. g. of P- and S-waves) as well as in the field of auto­matic (3D) locali­zation of seis­mic events. More­over soft­ware for ad­vanced seis­molo­gical research such as cluster ana­lysis or source para­meter ana­lysis is available. Soft­ware and me­tho­do­lo­gy is con­tinuous­ly up­dated.