Gesellschaft für Material­prüfung und Geophysik
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About GMuG

GMuG is a private com­pany active in con­tract research and deve­lopment in the fields of acoustic emission and applied geo­physics. GMuG was founded in 1993 as a spin-​off com­pany by staff mem­bers of the material test­ing de­part­ment of the for­mer Battelle-​Insti­tute Frank­furt, Germany.

We conduct acoustic emission and micro­seis­mi­city studies in mines and labo­ra­to­ries, moni­toring (micro-)​crack evo­lution in high reso­lution. GMuG makes use of both passive and active moni­toring tech­niques for imaging and tomo­graphy. In the frame work of sensor develop­ment GMuG offers indi­vi­dual sensor design for the above mentioned fields.

We accept sub-orders within larger R&D projects, including design and manu­fac­tur­ing of measuring tech­nique, installation and main­te­nance of complex moni­toring systems, as well as data ana­ly­sis and inter­preta­tion. GMuG provides tech­nical and scientific reports (publi­cations).

Moreover GMuG supplies services in all above mentioned fields, such as de­li­ve­ry, installation and main­te­nance of complex measuring devices, as well as the de­ve­lop­ment of specia­lised soft­ware.